With David Jardine
9.30am Thursday 10th & 17th June FREE EVENT
(pre-booking required)
Moth trapping is a fascinating way of seeing the many different types of #moths that are about after dark.
#Colonsay boasts a good range and David will set up his light trap the night before in a sheltered spot outside #Seapink.
Join us in the morning for the fascinating task of identifying the moths that have come in overnight.
The is a #freeevent but pre-booking is required prior to the event. Following current Covid guidelines numbers for this event will be limited. Please come up to Seapink to book your space, alternatively email sarah@seapink.co.uk to book.
You’ll find Seapink just 400 yards from the General Store, heading north towards Kiloran. Watch out for our sign and follow the track for parking.
Make sure to check back regularly as we hope to hold more #Seapink #events over the Summer and Autumn months.